BlogpostsBank Underground Blogpost: Dissecting UK service inflation via a neural network Phillips curve joint with Marcus Buckmann and Galina PotjagailoBank Underground Blogpost: Measuring business dynamics in real time joint with Thibaut Duprey, Artur Kotlicki, and Daniel RigobonVoxEU Blogpost: Measuring business openings and closures in real time joint with Thibaut Duprey, Artur Kotlicki, and Daniel RigobonSpeech PreparationInflation persistence and monetary policyCentral Bank Working PapersBeliefs- and fundamentals-driven job creation (Staff Working Paper No. 1,040, 2023)What is productive investment? Insights from firm-level data for the United Kingdom (Bank of England, Staff Working Paper No. 992, 2022) joint with Sudipto Karmakar and Marko Melolinna Business Closures and (Re)Openings in Real Time Using Google Places (Bank of Canada, Staff Working Paper 2022-1) joint with Thibaut Duprey, Daniel E. Rigobon, Artur Kotlicki, Soheil Baharian, and T. R. HurdRESULTS OF THE 2014 WAGE DYNAMICS NETWORK SURVEY IN SLOVENIA (Bank of Slovenia, 2015) joint with Nataša Jemec, Matija Lozej, Matija Vodopivec, and Petra Mohorič Peternelj